
姓  名:牛当当

职  称:副教授


电  话:

邮  箱:niudd@nwafu.edu.cn














[17] Niu Dangdang*, Liu Bin, Yin Minghao, Zhou Yupeng. A New Local Search Algorithm with Greedy Crossover Restart for the Dominating Tree Problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 229 (Part A): 120353. (CCF-C, IF: 8.665, 中科院一区)

[16] Niu Dangdang, Nie Xiaolin, Zhang Lilin, Zhang Hongming*, Yin Minghao. A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) for Minimum Weakly Connected Dominating Set Problem. Expert Systems With Applications, 2023, 215: 119338. (CCF-C, IF: 8.665,中科院一区)

[15] Zhang Lilin, Nie Xiaolin, Zhang Mingmei, Gu Mingyang, Violette Geissen, Coen J. Ritsema, Niu Dangdang*, Zhang Hongming*. Lexicon and attention-based named entity recognition for kiwifruit diseases and pests: A Deep learning approach. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1053449. (IF: 6.627, 中科院二区 )

[14] Niu Dangdang*, Yin Minghao. A Self-stabilizing Memetic Algorithm for Minimum Weakly Connected Dominating Set Problems. The 2nd International Workshop on Heuristic Search in Industry. (HSI 2022, CCF-A类会议IJCAI伴随workshop).

[13] Niu Dangdang*, Liu Bin, Zhang Hongming, Yin Minghao. Improving local search for the weighted sum coloring problem using the branch-and-bound algorithm. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 246: 108703. (CCF-C, IF: 8.139, 中科院一区)

[12] Niu Dangdang*, Liu Bin, Yin Minghao. Local search for weighted sum coloring problem. Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 106: 107290. (IF: 8.263, 发表时为:中科院一区)

[11] 牛当当*, 吕帅, 王金艳, 刘斌. 基于MACR和CAL启发式的求差知识编译算法. 电子学报, 2020, 48(2): 285-290. (CCF-T1类期刊)

[10] 牛当当*, 吕帅, 王金艳. 基于MOVR 启发式的求差知识编译算法. 电子学报, 2019, 47 (11): 2299-2303. (CCF-T1类期刊)

[9] Niu Dangdang, Liu Lei, Lü Shuai*. Augmenting negation normal form with irrelevant variables. IEEE ACCESS, 2019, 7(1): 91360-91366. (IF:4.098, 中科院二区)

[8] Niu Dangdang, Liu Lei, Lü Shuai*. Complementary knowledge compilation using the hyper extension rule. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2019, 28(2): 259-265. (CCF-T1类期刊, IF: 1.019, 中科院四区)

[7] Niu Dangdang, Liu Lei, Lü Shuai*. Knowledge compilation methods based on the clausal relevance and extension rule. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2018, 27(5): 1037-1042. (CCF-T1类期刊, IF: 1.019, 中科院四区)

[6] Niu Dangdang, Liu Lei, Lü Shuai*. New stochasticl local search approaches for computing preferred extensions of abstract argumentation. AI Communications, 2018, 31(4): 369-382. (欧洲人工智能学会会刊, CORE-B, IF: 1.029, 中科院四区)

[5] 牛当当, 刘磊, 吕帅*. EPCCL理论的并行知识编译算法. 电子学报, 2018, 46(3): 537-543. (CCF-T1类期刊)

[4] 牛当当, 刘磊, 吕帅*. EPCCL理论的求交知识编译算法. 软件学报, 2017, 28(8): 2096-2112. (CCF-T1类期刊)

[3] Niu Dangdang, Liu Lei, Lü Shuai*. A new stochastic local search approach for computing preferred extensions of abstract argumentation. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), The Hague, The Netherlands, August 29 - September 2, 2016, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 285, 2016, 1652-1653. (CCF-B, Short paper)

[2] 刘磊, 牛当当, 吕帅*. 基于超扩展规则的知识编译方法. 计算机学报, 2016, 39(8): 1681-1696. (CCF-T1类期刊, 除导师外第一作者)

[1] Dangdang Niu, Lei Liu, Xin Zhang, Shuai Lyu, Zhuang Li. Security analysis model, system architecture and relational model of enterprise cloud. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2016, 13(6): 574-584. (中国科技期刊卓越行动计划-梯队期刊, ESCI检索, 中科院四区)


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 面向EMTS存储的高效知识编译方法研究, 2023.01~2025.12, 主持, 30万。

[2] 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目, EPCCL理论的超类目标语言研究, 2020.01~2021.12, 主持, 3万

[3] 广西多源信息挖掘与安全重点实验室开放基金项目, 基于超扩展规则的知识编译方法研究, 2020.01~2021.12, 主持, 2万。

[4] 国家重点研发课题子任务, 基于知识图谱的农业先进适用技术搜索方法研究与应用, 2020.10~2022.12, 主持, 15万。




Name:Niu Dangdang

Professional Title:Lecture

Office:NO. 304




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